💬Document Chat


Welcome to the user guide for the Document Chat feature of v-Lawyer, your AI-driven legal assistant. This revolutionary feature allows you to ask real-time questions about a specific document to our AI lawyer, thereby enhancing your understanding and making the document review process far more interactive. This step-by-step guide is designed to offer you a seamless user experience.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

Step 1: Account Setup

If you are new to v-Lawyer:

  1. Navigate to the v-Lawyer homepage and click on "Sign Up."

  2. Follow the prompts to create a new account.

If you are an existing user:

  1. Log in to your account using your credentials.

Uploading Your Document

Step 2: Upload Your Document

  1. Go to the Document Chat section on your dashboard.

  2. Upload the document you wish to discuss. The document must be in PDF format.

Note: If your document is not in PDF format, you can easily convert it using various third-party tools.

Engaging with the AI Lawyer

Step 3: Interact with AI

  1. Ask Questions: Once the document is uploaded, you can begin asking specific questions about its content.

  2. Review Answers: Our AI Lawyer will analyze the document and provide you with detailed explanations, clarifications, or interpretations based on your queries.

Step 4: Real-time Collaboration

  1. Invite Collaborators: If you wish to involve colleagues or other stakeholders, use the "Invite" button to allow them access to the Document Chat.

Additional Features

Step 5: Document Annotation

  1. Highlight and Annotate: You can highlight specific parts of the document and add annotations for future reference.

  2. Save Annotations: These annotations can be saved within the document and will be available for future consultations.

Step 6: Export Consultation Log

  1. Export: At any time, you can export the entire chat history along with the annotated document in PDF format.

  2. Share: Use the "Share" feature to disseminate the document and its accompanying consultation log to relevant parties.

Privacy Policy

Data privacy is a cornerstone of our service. For a comprehensive overview of how we handle your data, please consult our Privacy Policy.


The Document Chat feature in v-Lawyer empowers you to engage with legal documents in an unprecedented interactive manner. It streamlines your document review process, offering quick and reliable insights right when you need them.

Should you require further assistance or have additional questions, our customer support is always available.

Thank you for choosing v-Lawyer!

Last updated